september 29, 2020
For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to the subject of technology, from science fiction movies and books to the actual function of a mechanism. I've always tried to decipher the impact that upcoming technologies, including new media, will have in our surroundings, particularly the social changes that its usage entails.
‘decipher the impact that upcoming technologies
including new media, will have in our surroundings’
Working previously as an Art Director, I developed my skills in advertising, generating graphics, and campaign strategies. I learned how to translate customer preferences, habits, and demands. Also expanded my awareness of how rapidly digital media is altering the way we consume television, radio, and print media. I found the possibilities of access to user data through marketing tools incredible and somehow intimidating since I'm also an ever-connected part of today’s worldwide user community.
‘an ever-connected part of today’s worldwide user community’
My generation has lived through childhood without computers, smartphones, internet, email, social networks, clouds of information, virtual stores, and online worldwide gaming; it wasn't until adolescence that we started interacting with these new technologies.
‘Today I do not remember how it was to live without it and I wonder how it is going to be in the future.’
For that reason I want to know why this is, how this Digital Era is affecting every person, where is its future, what are its ramifications, different possibilities of this tool usage, good and bad. How the past and future of this digitality is being written.
The idea is to analyze, understand, use, improve, an experiment in a different context, propose, be a part of its growth, unravel the social phenomena, and have the foundation to spread the knowledge.
Its effects through time over society, from an economic, informative, and entertainment outlook, addressing the conscious use of this great tool but not with totalitarian regulations, prohibitions, or wrong manipulation of information by other parties. I am interested in the discourse of how to be a smart user, knowing that this tool is in our house, school, work, pockets, and even more precisely, in our personal life.
‘Interested in the discourse of how to be a smart user’
Artistic residence
september 2020
2012- today
Freelance work2015-2017
Team leaderSEIS 26
Digital Agency
2011 - 2015
Sr. Art Director and Creative︎︎︎DENTSU
2010 - 2011
Sr. Art Director︎︎︎Leo Burnett
2009 - 2010
Jr. Art Director︎︎︎ Ogilvy
Nike 2010
AW77 hoodie
guerrilla AD
International Contest
Poster Design
2015Personal Data
Privacy Models
National Contest
2004- 2006
Major in Photography and MultimediaUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México
2002 - 2004
Bachelor’s degree Design and VisualCommunication
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
HTLM and CSSprogrammer intern
Centro Nacional de
las Artes
WebDesigner Intern